Thursday, December 24, 2020
Christmas Angel/Swiateczny aniol
Friday, December 18, 2020
Christmas Ornaments/Choinkowe ozdoby
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Tree Topper/Gwiazdka
Witajcie! Juz prawie polowa grudnia! Czas pokazywac robotki swiateczne. Dzis zaczynamy od czegos nieskomplikowanego - gwiazdy-czubka na choinke. Poniewaz moja choinka jeszcze nie ubrana, nie moge pokazac zdjec gwiazdy 'w akcji', ale moze przed samymi Swietami dam rade. Projekt w sumie latwy i szybki (dziergalam niecale dwa dni z przerwami) i ma ta zalete, ze sie nie rozbije, jak zleci na podloge (brzmi znajomo?). Jesli chodzi o usztywnianie, to uzylam plynu prosto z butelki, tzn. nie rozcienczalam woda.
Hello! We're almost in the middle of December! Time to show Christmas crafts. Today, we start with something simple - a crochet star tree topper. Because I don't have my tree up and decorated yet, I can't show any pictures of the star 'in action'. Perhaps I'll do that right before Christmas. The project was generally easy and quick (it took me less than two days to crochet), and what's great, is that it can't shatter once it falls to the floor (sounds familiar?). When it comes to stiffening, I dipped it in the stiffener straight from the bottle, i.e. I didn't dilute it with any water.
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Bejewelled Pumpkin/Dynia na bogato
It's not really Fall anymore (we had a snowfall here the other day), but not yet Winter, either. I have a perfect project to show for such a season - a cross stitch pumpkin, but one that shimmers with beads like a Christmas ornament. Even though I never embroidered with beads to this degree before, I found this project to be fun and quite easy. I substituted the perforated paper included in the Mill Hill kit with navy Lugana. The frame was purchased separately.
This is how the embroidery looked before I attached the beads:
Zestaw/Kit: Mill Hill "Paisley Pumpkin"
Material/Fabric: Zweigart, 28 ct Lugana, Navy
Ramka/Frame: Mill Hill, 6 x 6 Matte Purple
Bardzo dziekuje wszystkim za odwiedziny. Zycze Wam duzo zdrowia i sily.
Thank you so much for visiting. Wishing you all lots of good health and strength.
Sunday, November 1, 2020
Acorns / Zoledzie
Dzisiaj krociutko, bo robotka mala, szybka i latwa. Zoledzie na drutach. Mozna tez zrobic z zoltej wloczki i bez czapeczek, i beda... ozdobne cytryny. Pozdrawiam wszystkich serdecznie. Do nastepnego postu.
Today - a quick, short post, since the project is small, fast and easy. Knit acorns. One can also make them using yellow yarn, skip the caps and you get... ornamental lemons. Wishing everyone a great day. Until next post.
Wzor/Pattern: Acorn by Kim Hamlin
Wloczka/Yarn: jakakolwiek/any yarn