Thursday, February 17, 2022

Planned Pooling Placemats/Podstawki

Witajcie! Dzis krociutko, bo projekt byl bardzo prosty i szybki, niewymagajacy wiele tlumaczenia. Niedawno zrobilam szesc duzych podkladek metoda Planned Pooling. Swietnie sie sprawdzaja bo sa dosyc grube, wiec mozna smialo postawic na nich cos goracego. Mozna je tez zwyczajnie wrzucic do pralki i suszarki, poniewaz zrobione sa z wloczki akrylowej dosyc gestym sciegiem.
    Bardzo wszystkich pozdrawiam i zycze pieknego dnia. Jeszcze troszke i bedzie wiosna!
Hello, there! Today - a short post, because the project was quick and simple, not requiring much of an explanation. Recently, I made six placemats using Planned Pooling method. They are rather thick, which means that I can easily place something hot on them, without worrying about damaging the surface underneath. Because they're rather tightly made from acrylic yarn, I can just throw them in the washing machine and then dryer without ruining them.
    Thank you so much for visiting today. Have a wonderful day. Only a few short weeks left until Spring!