Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Merry Christmas/Wesolych Swiat

Dzis przedstawiam Wam kilka ozdob choinkowych, ktore zrobilam pare miesiecy temu, w/g wzorow z Mmmcrafts na Etsy. Niestety, poniewaz u nas w tym roku na swieta zawital covid (prawie trzy lata udalo sie nam od niego uchylic), wiec ani sil, ani czasu na ubieranie choinki nie stalo. Beda wiec wisiec na drzewku w przyszlym roku.
Wszystkim zycze pieknych Swiat, duuuuzo dobrego zdrowia, samych zyczliwych osob dookola i spelnienia marzen.馃挆

Today I present some Christmas ornaments I made a couple of months ago, using patterns from Mmmcrafts on Etsy. Unfortunately, due to covid (which we were able to successfully dodge for almost three years), there was no energy or time to unfurl and decorate a tree this year, which means, they will get properly displayed next year.
I wish everyone a happy Christmas, lots of good health and good friends around.馃挆

Friday, November 18, 2022

Winter Gnomes/Zimowe gnomy


  Druga polowa listopada - u nas juz spadl snieg. Sezon na robotki zimowo-swiateczne oficjalnie otwarty! Z tej okazji przedstawiam Wam moje najnowsze skrzaty dziergane na drutach. Robione byly prawie identycznie jak ich jesienni bracia tutaj, czyli ogolem proste i szybkie w wykonaniu. Tym razem postanowilam zrobic kazdemu inny nos, aby bylo smieszniej. Grzybow do nich nie dziergalam, bo mi sie nie chcialo. W przyszlosci mam (mgliste) plany na inne dziergane grzybki.

Dla zainteresowanych detalami, ponizej pokazalam poszczegolne czesci skrzatow przed wypchaniem i zszyciem. Brody robilam z czesanki zwiazanej na jednym koncu wloczka i przyszytej do czubka glowy.

I to by bylo na dzisiaj. Mam nadzieje, ze sie Wam bedzie milo patrzylo na ponizsze fotki. Dziekuje pieknie za odwiedziny, pozdrawiam cieplutko i zycze dobrego dnia.

Half way through November, and we already have snow on the ground. Season for winter-Christmas crafts has officially started! Consequently, I present my knitted winter gnomes. I made them nearly exactly the same way, as the Fall gnomes here, meaning they were quite simple and rather quick to complete. This time, I decided to make their noses different, so they would look a bit funny. I didn't knit the accompanying mushrooms, because I just didn't feel like it. I do have vague plans for a different type of knitted and crocheted mushrooms in the future.

For those who like this type of detail, I also included a photo of different gnome components prior to stuffing and sewing together. The beards were made using roving, tied at one end with yarn, and sewn to the top of the head.

And that is it for today. Enjoy the photos below. Thank you so much for visiting and have a wonderful day.


Pattern kit/Zestaw z wzorem: Mary Maxim Enchanted Gnomes Christmas Knit Kit
Yarn/Wloczka: Mary Maxim Mellowspun DK

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Knitted Pumpkins 2022/Dziergane dynie - 2022

Dzis pokaze Wam dynie, ktore wydziergalam w tym sezonie. Wszystkie cztery robione na drutach w/g dwoch roznych wzorow, z wloczek akrylowych. Ogolem nietrudne i dosyc szybkie w wykonaniu.

Today I'll show you some knit pumpkins, which I made this season. All four were made using two different patterns and acrylic yarns. Overall, easy and quick to make.

Monday, October 10, 2022

Crocheted Pumpkin Spice Latte/Szydelkowa Dyniowa Latte

Juz pazdziernik, czyli sezon na dynie oficjalnie otwarty! A jak dynie, to nie obedzie sie bez aromatycznej, korzennej kawy - Pumpkin Spice Latte - takze w moich corocznych ozdobach jesiennych. Troche bylo z tym roboty, bo i zszywania czesci sporo, i przyszywania koralikow tez. Owszem, moglam te wiorki czekoladowe wyszyc, ale koraliki wydawaly mi sie jakies fajniejsze, szczegolnie te mniejsze, ktore wygladaja jak pomaranczowy, gruby cukier. W kazdym razie, tak to wszystko wygladalo/wyglada (fotki ponizej):

October! That means pumpkin season is in full swing! And where there are pumpkins, there must be Pumpkin Spice Latte, including in my yearly fall decorations. The project was a little fiddly, because there was quite a bit of sewing and attaching all the beads. Of course, I could have just embroidered the chocolate shavings, but I really liked how the beads looked, especially the orange ones, mimicking a coarse, orange sugar. Anyway, this is how it all enfolded and ended up looking (photos below):

Pattern/Wzor: Pumpkin Spice Treats Set
 by PinkyPinkyBlueAU
Yarn/Wloczka:Various acrylics/Rozne akryle

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Autumn Gnomes/Jesienne skrzaty

Witajcie! Jesien tuz, tuz, wiec i u mnie dzis na blogu taka bardziej jesienna robotka - dziergane skrzaty, zoledzie, itd. Wzor kupilam w zestawie z wloczka od Mary Maxim (link ponizej). I tak jak zwykle z tym rodzajem skrzatow, wszystko bylo latwe i dosyc szybkie w wykonaniu. Ogolnie mowiac, cialo i glowa to jeden stozek. Doszywamy do tego rece, nos i brode, po czym przykrywamy czubek stozka czapeczka.      Slicznie dziekuje za odwiedziny i zycze pieknego dnia.

Hello! It's almost Autumn, hence something more autumny on my blog - knitted gnomes, acorns, etc. I got the pattern from a Mary Maxim yarn kit (link below). As usual with this type of gnomes, the knitting was easy and rather quick. Generally speaking, the head and the body are knit as one cone. Then we make and sew on the hands, nose and beard. Top it all off with a knit hat and done. Nothing complicated.
     Thank you so much for visiting. Wishing you a wonderful day.

Pattern kit/Zestaw z wzorem: Mary Maxim Fall Gnomes


Saturday, July 16, 2022


Witajcie! Dzisiaj przedstawiam Wam projekt, ktory zaczelam 10 lat temu, a skonczylam dopiero niedawno. I nie to, ze byl jakos wyjatkowo trudny, lub wymagajacy wielu dzierganych akrobacji, jednak na tyle skomplikowany, ze trzeba bylo bardzo uwazac, aby sie nie pomylic. Dzierganie cieniutka nitka, na cieniuskich drutach tez nie nalezalo do najwygodniejszych, a i w miedzyczasie wpadlo mi w oko kilka innych projektow. Dzierganie serwet ma tez to do siebie, ze kazde okrazenie staje sie wieksze i dluzsze, przez co robotka znacznie spowalnia. W tym przypadku, kiedy mialam gdzies tak ok. 3/4 zrobione, kazdy jeden rzadek/okrazenie zabieralo mi okolo godziny, a nawet dluzej przy kilku ostatnich! Dobrze, ze zainstalowalam tzw. 'linie zycia' co 10 rzedow, bo... odlozylam robotke doslownie na pol minuty, i okazje te wykorzystal kot, aby sie na nia nieelegancko walnac. I tak sie jakos niefortunnie polozyl, ze zlecialo mi z drutow sporo oczek (kot, na szczescie, nie nadzial sie na druty). Nie dalo sie tego odratowac i musialam pruc 7 rzedow, az do linii zycia! Zwazajac na to, ze dziennie moglam zrobic tylko ok 1-2 rzedow, oznaczalo to strate ok. 4-5 dni dziergania. Rece mi troche opadly, ale zacisnelam zeby i dokonczylam to diabelstwo. I nawet wyglada niezle. Ostatecznie uroslo do ok 90x90 cm. Fotki i dane ponizej.

    Dziekuje wszytkim za odwiedziny i zycze pieknego dnia.

Hello, there! Today I'm presenting a project, which I started a decade ago, and just recently finished. It's not like it was particularly difficult or required a lot of knitting acrobatics, but it was complicated enough that I had to concentrate on it quite a bit in order not to make mistakes. Knitting with a very thin thread and very small needles didn't help either and in the meantime, I got drawn to other interesting projects. Boredom also factored in, considering that knitting and crocheting doilies/tablecloths gets slower and more tedious as one gets further from the center - each round simply gets longer and thus takes a lot more time to complete. When I was about 3/4 done, each round would take me about 1 hour to complete and even longer during the last few ones. I'm so glad that I weaved in a lifeline every 10 rounds or so! One day I walked away from my project for literally 30 seconds, and my cat seized that opportunity to most clumsily plop himself on top of it. Nothing happened to the cat, but my knitting... wasn't in a good state - lots of stitches came off the needles in such a way, that there was nothing else left to do but frog right down to the nearest lifeline (7 rounds in total!). Considering that each day I was only able to complete 1-2 rounds, it meant the loss of 4-5 knitting days. I felt like crying for a bit, but got myself together and finished the darned thing. I must say that it looks rather respectable, measuring about 90x90 cm per side. Photos and specs below.

     Thank you so much for visiting. Wishing you a lovely day.

Pattern/Wzor: Lyra by Herbert Niebling (I got my pattern at Lacis/Wzor kupilam w Lacis).
Yarn/Wloczka:DMC Cebelia No.30, color 712
Needles/Druty:Addi circular size US 00/1.75 mm