Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Simple Christmas Ornaments/Proste ornamenty swiateczne

No i mamy koniec roku. Mam nadzieje, ze dla wielu z Was byl on lepszy niz poprzedni. Dla mnie, no coz - moglby byc lepszy, ale nie to, ze zupelnie spisany na straty. Udalo mi sie zrobic co nieco, a w tym troszke prostych, filcowych ozdob na choinke. Latwe i szybkie w robocie, nie wymagaja zadnych specjalnych umiejetnosci, a ciesza oko.
馃挅Pozdrawiam wszystkich bardzo serdecznie. Zycze spokojnych i zdrowych Swiat.

Well, we reached the end of the year. I hope that for many of you it has been better than the previous one. For me, it could have been better, although I won't write it off entirely. I was able to accomplish some things, including a bunch of felt tree ornaments. They're easy and quick to make, don't require any special skills, but are nice to look at.
馃挅I wish everyone a peaceful and healthy Christmas.

Pattern/Wzor: Various/Rozne from Felt Pattern PDF
 Felt/Filc: Sweetemmajean

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Crochet Snowflakes/Szydelkowe Sniezynki

Witajcie! Grudzien juz w toku, wiec chyba wypadaloby pokazac cos w tematach swiateczno-zimowych. Mysle, ze szydelkowe sniezynki sie do tego nadaja. Wykonalam je jakis czas temu i tak czekaly na swoja kolejke do pokazania. Jak wiekszosc takich projektow, byly one dosyc szybkie i latwe w wykonaniu. Dla siebie zrobilam biale, a rozowe dla corki.

Hello! December is already under way, so it makes sense to show something wintery-Christmasy. I think that crochet snowflakes fit that bill. I made them some time ago, but waited until the right time to show them. Like most of these kinds of projects, they were quick and easy to make. The white ones are for me and the pink ones I made for my daughter.

Pattern/Wzor: Inscribed Snowflake by Julia Hart and 
 Ariel Snowflake by Irina Maleeva  
Thread/Nici: DMC Cebelia