I don't believe it... I managed to make two doilies in less
than two weeks. Sure, they're small, but for me that's really super
fast. The only thing is, the Violet one didn't photograph well. In real
life the
doily has a beautiful, rich coloured Victorian look. The flowers are
made from variegated blues and the petals underneath the
blue flowers are rich, velvety, variegated purples. Both doily designs
are by Elizabeth Ann White for
Bella Crochet, and can be purchased
via Ravelry.
The names of both patterns are
Wild Roses and Pineapples Doily, and
Sweet Violets Decorative Potholder. Both doilies are not only pretty, but also
veeeeery easy to make, so I highly recommend them.
Thank you for visiting my blog, for all the nice words and comments. Have a wonderful and peaceful
mi sie wierzyc nie chce... Popelnilam 2 (sl. dwie) serwetki w niecale
dwa tygodnie. Owszem, sa dosyc male, ale jak na mnie, jest to tempo
doslownie odrzutowe. Jedyny maly problem to to, ze kolory tej
niebieskiej, nie wyszly na zdjeciu takie, jakie sa 'osobiscie'.
Niebieskie kwiatki sa zrobione z ciemniejszej nici o odcieniach
niebieskich, a te "niebieskie" platki pod kwiatkami, sa zrobione z nici o
dosyc glebokich odcieniach fioletu. Obie serwetki sa projektu Elizabeth
Ann White (dla Bella Crochet), a wzory mozna zakupic przez Ravelry.
Wzory nazywaja sie Wild Roses and Pineapples Doily, oraz Sweet Violets
Decorative Potholder. Obie sa baaaardzo latwe do wykonania, wiec
Dziekuje wszystkim za odwiedziny, za bardzo mile slowa i komentarze. Zycze Wam pieknego i spokojnego dnia/wieczoru.