Wiosna! Nareszcie! Wszedzie sie zazielenilo. Jak widac, u mnie w robotkach tez. 😀Oto serwetka robiona z polskich, zieloniutkich nici. Nieduza (ok. 23 cm srednicy), ale cieszy oko. Niektorzy nie lubia serwetek, poniewaz wydaja im sie one staroswieckie lub kiczowate. No coz, ja takiego pogladu nie podzielam. Mnie fascynuje ta cala "platanina" nitek, ktora uklada sie w rozne ciekawe i trojwymiarowe wzory.
Spring! Finally! It's getting green everywhere, and evidently in my crafting, too. 😀 Here is a doily, made from a Polish, delightfully green crochet cotton. It's not too large (approx. 9" in diameter), but a feast for the eyes nevertheless. Some people don't like doilies, because they consider them old fashioned or kitschy. I just don't see them that way. I'm absolutely fascinated how a collection of thread loops and twists can result in such various and interesting three-dimensional patterns.
Pattern/Wzor: "Leylight Doily", Julia Hart
Thread/Nici: Kaja, Ariadna