Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Crocheted Golden Girls/Szydelkowe Zlotka

*Warning: long post, lots of pictures!
*Uwaga: dlugi post, duzo zdjec!
Today, two of my dear, long time friends have a Birthday (Happy Birthday, D.&D.! Thank you for being a friend.😀) - a perfect occasion to show you my friend-themed project. 
          When I was a teenager, I used to like watching "The Golden Girls" (and still do). Back then, the idea of a sitcom about women over 50 was rather unusual, and the show turned out to be very funny and entertaining, and by now - a classic. When I saw "Crochet Golden Girls", a book-kit combo by Allison Hoffman, I just knew that I had to make my own GG dolls. Because the kit contains materials to only make Sophia, I bought extra acrylic yarn in order to crochet all four ladies, plus a couple of accessories. Overall, the pattern instructions were clear and easy. To further reflect the overall feel of Golden Girls, I created a background for each girl's photo, which is similar to the wallpaper that each of them had in their bedroom, eg. Blanche had banana leaf themed wallpaper/decor in her room, Sophia had a dusty blue, floral wallpaper, etc. I also used photos of the living room and kitchen, taken from a TV screen, as backgrounds for the group/cheesecake pictures.

Dzisiaj, dwie moje dobre kolezanki obchodza urodziny, czyli swietna okazja aby pokazac projekt o tematyce kolezenskiej.
          Kiedy bylam nastolatka, bardzo lubilam ogladac komedie (sitcom)"Golden Girls", ktora w Polsce jest chyba znana pod nazwa "ZÅ‚otka". Wtedy, program o kobietach po piecdziesiatce byl czyms niezwyklym. Dzis, nalezy juz do klasyki telewizji, a ja nadal chetnie go ogladam. Kiedy zobaczylam ksiazke-zestaw "Crochet Golden Girls" autorstwa Allison Hoffman, to od razu wiedzialam, ze musze zrobic sobie takie same lalki. Poniewaz zestaw zawiera tylko materialy do zrobienia Sophii, dokupilam troche akrylowych wloczek aby moc zrobic reszte dziewczyn. Ogolem instrukcje byly bardzo klarowne i latwe do wykonania. Aby bardziej odzwierciedlic klimat "Golden Girls", kazdej z postaci dodalam tlo, ktore przypomina tapete, jaka kazda z nich miala w swojej sypialni, np. Blanche miala tapete i dekoracje z motywem lisci bananowca, Sophia - szaroniebieska z kwiatami, itp., itd. Jako tlo do zdjecia grupowego i z sernikiem posluzyly mi fotki salonu i kuchni, zrobione podczas emisji programu w TV.

Here are the girls:
A oto dziewczyny:


This is how Dorothy looked in progress:

A tak wygladala Dorothy w trakcie pracy:





Here is Rose, before hair was added, compared to the original in the book:

A tu jest Rose, przed dodaniem wlosow, w porownaniu z oryginalem w ksiazce:





As we know, most of the show's action took place in the living room, with the iconic sofa prominently situated in the centre. I attached the individual cushions with velcro.

Jak wiadomo, najwiecej akcji bylo w salonie, w ktorym krolowala bardzo specyficzna sofa.Poduszki na sofie przymocowalam na velcro.



And, of course, where there are Golden Girls, there is cheesecake.

No i oczywiscie, gdzie Zlotka, tam i sernik.

And that is it for today. Thank you so much for visiting. Wishing you all a lovely day. 🌞

No, i to wszystko na dzisiaj. Dziekuje slicznie za odwiedziny. Zycze pieknego dnia. 🌞