It's May already! Everything around seems to be blooming, including my projects. Some time ago, my daughter asked me to embroider a couple of pillowcases for her. Consequently, I got a set of two cases with stamped, washable pattern (Butterfly Branch Pillowcases), and some embroidery floss.
Material, z ktorego uszyte zostaly poszewki jest dosyc przeswitujacy, staralam sie wiec uwazac, aby zbytnio nie przeciagac pod spodem nici, co nie bylo latwe podczas wyszywania supelkow. Tak wyglada lewa strona jednego z haftow:
The fabric of the pillowcases is rather see-through, hence I tried not to drag the tread too much between spots, which was not easy when stitching French knots. This is the reverse side of the embroidery:
I to w zasadzie wszystko na dzisiaj. Nic egzotycznego, normalny, tradycyjny haft, ale... bardzo relaksujacy. Czasem wrecz medytacyjny jesli chodzi o wyszywanie sznureczkiem. Pozdrawiam was bardzo mocno i zycze Wam jak najwiecej dobrego zdrowia.
So, that is it for today. Nothing exotic, just a normal, traditional embroidery, but... oh, so relaxing. Even meditative at times, especially while doing stem stitches. Sending warm greetings to all of you and wishing you all lots of good health.