Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Male ogloszenie/A small announcement

Witajcie! Dzisiaj chce tylko napisac, ze otworzylam nowego bloga, ktory ma sluzyc jako dodatek do tego tutaj w tym sensie, ze bede pokazywala tam takze moje kreatywne poczynania. Jednakze, nie beda one raczej bezposrednio zwiazane z robotkami na drutach, szydelku lub z haftem, lecz z kartkami, papierowymi kwiatami (tak jak te na powyzszym zdjeciu), scrapkami, rysunkami i innymi wszelakimi projektami. Zycze Wam pieknego dnia i zapraszam na blog pt. "Margaret among Colours".

Hello, everyone! Today I just wanted to announce, that I created a new blog, which will function as an addition to this one, in the sense that over there, I will also show you some of my creative projects. However, they will not (or very rarely) be connected to knitting, crocheting, embroidery or sewing. Rather, they will include drawing, painting, card and flower making (like the ones in the above photo), and other various creative projects.
I wish you all a wonderful day, and happily invite you to visit my blog entitled Margaret among Colours.