Uwaga! Dlugawy post!
Jak widac, niedawno zrobilam kilka ozdob na choinke. Zaczelam od gwiazdek, ktore wyszywalam jedna nitka muliny co jedna nitke plotna - tu uzylam roznych scinkow plocien od 25 - 32ct, zakupionych na wyprzedazy. Kazda gwiazdke wyszylam innym kolorem lekko cieniowanych nici Weeks Dye Works i The Gentle Art Sampler Threads (nazwy i numery nici znajdziecie na ostatniej fotce w tym poscie). Po wyszyciu, kazdy kawalek plotna usztywnilam fizelina, a nastepnie podlozylam od tylu filcem i zszylam wszystkie trzy warstwy razem. Na koniec wykonczylam surowe brzegi lamowka. Wzory gwiazdek sa autorstwa Kirk & Bradley, ktore mozna zakupic tylko w formie malowanej kanwy. Poniewaz chcialam aby gwiazdki byly dosyc male, przenioslam wzory z kanwy na gesciejsze plotno. A oto kazda gwiazdka z osobna zaraz po wyszyciu:
Jak widac, niedawno zrobilam kilka ozdob na choinke. Zaczelam od gwiazdek, ktore wyszywalam jedna nitka muliny co jedna nitke plotna - tu uzylam roznych scinkow plocien od 25 - 32ct, zakupionych na wyprzedazy. Kazda gwiazdke wyszylam innym kolorem lekko cieniowanych nici Weeks Dye Works i The Gentle Art Sampler Threads (nazwy i numery nici znajdziecie na ostatniej fotce w tym poscie). Po wyszyciu, kazdy kawalek plotna usztywnilam fizelina, a nastepnie podlozylam od tylu filcem i zszylam wszystkie trzy warstwy razem. Na koniec wykonczylam surowe brzegi lamowka. Wzory gwiazdek sa autorstwa Kirk & Bradley, ktore mozna zakupic tylko w formie malowanej kanwy. Poniewaz chcialam aby gwiazdki byly dosyc male, przenioslam wzory z kanwy na gesciejsze plotno. A oto kazda gwiazdka z osobna zaraz po wyszyciu:
Attention! Longish post!
As you can see, I recently made some Christmas tree decorations. I started with the stars, which I stitched with one strand of floss over one thread of fabric (25 - 32ct). Each star was stitched with a different colour of either Weeks Dye Works threads or The Gentle Art Sampler Threads (you can see the names and numbers of all used floss colours in the last photo of this post). After the cross stitching part was done, I stiffened the fabric with interfacing, and then stitched it together with felt. I finished the raw edges of each star with bias tape. The patterns for the stars are from Kirk&Bradley, and can be purchased only in the form of painted canvas. Because I wanted my stars to be quite small, I stitched each design on a much smaller, more tightly woven fabric. Here are all the stars just after the cross stitching was done:
As you can see, I recently made some Christmas tree decorations. I started with the stars, which I stitched with one strand of floss over one thread of fabric (25 - 32ct). Each star was stitched with a different colour of either Weeks Dye Works threads or The Gentle Art Sampler Threads (you can see the names and numbers of all used floss colours in the last photo of this post). After the cross stitching part was done, I stiffened the fabric with interfacing, and then stitched it together with felt. I finished the raw edges of each star with bias tape. The patterns for the stars are from Kirk&Bradley, and can be purchased only in the form of painted canvas. Because I wanted my stars to be quite small, I stitched each design on a much smaller, more tightly woven fabric. Here are all the stars just after the cross stitching was done:
Zrobilam jeszcze dwie inne ozdoby. Pierwsza to zawieszka-biscornu, ozdobiona koralikami, guzikami i fredzlem z muliny metalizowanej. Sam haft byl bardzo latwy - same krzyzyki i sciegi proste - w sumie nic egzotycznego. Wyszywalam na oliwkowym, lnianym plotnie 32ct. Wzor na zawieszke zatytulowany jest "Poinsettia Biscornu" i mozna znalezc go w swiatecznym wydaniu pisma "Just Cross Stitch" - "Christmas Ornaments", z 2008 roku, na stronie 64.
I also made two other ornaments. The first one is called Poinsettia Biscornu, which is adorned with beads, buttons and a tassel made from metallic DMC floss. The stitching itself was very easy - just some cross stitches, backstitches and straight stitches - nothing exotic. I used an Olive, 32 ct linen fabric. You can find the pattern for this ornament in the Christmas Ornaments edition of Just Cross Stitch magazine from 2008, on pg. 64.
No i ostatnia, najbardziej rustykalna ozdoba - choinka. Wyszla troche w stylu prymitywnym/vintage poniewaz a. uzylam cieniowanego materialu w stylu vintage, oraz cieniowanych nici; b. poniewaz nici plotna sa nierowne, a same plotno jest troche rzadko splecione i wiotkie, moje krzyzyki wyszly bardzo nierowne i niejednolite. Wyszywalam jedna nitka muliny co jedna nitke plotna. Same krzyzyki wyszly prawie ze mikroskopijne. Wiekszosc ma ok. 1mm wielkosci, ale sa tez i mniejsze. Oczywiscie, taka drobnice wyszywalam pod podswietlana lupa. Podobnie jak w gwiazdkach, tutaj tez uzylam fizeliny i filcu, a brzegi wykonczylam lamowka. Wzor na choinke mozna znalezc w tym samym magazynie co wzor do biscornu, ale na stronie 98.
And the last one, the most rustic/vintage looking one - a Christmas tree. It came out a bit rustic because a. I used variegated fabric (32ct) and slightly variegated floss (Oatmeal from The Gentle Art Sampler Threads); b. because the fabric was somewhat loosely woven and the thread thickness was not very uniform, my cross stitches came out quite uneven. I stitched with one strand of floss over one thread of fabric. Consequently, the stitches are nearly microscopic - most measure around 1mm, but there are also smaller ones. Of course, I had to use a lighted magnifying glass during stitching. As with the stars, I also fortified the embroidered fabric with interfacing, stitched it together with felt, and roughly finished the edges with bias tape. The pattern for this tree can be found in the same magazine as for the biscornu above, except on page 98.
I to na razie wszystko. Slicznie dziekuje za odwiedziny i zycze pieknego dnia.
That's about it for now. Thank you so much for visiting and have a wonderful day.