... of neglecting this blog, I'm finally writing something. We were very busy for the past few months with looking for and buying a new house. Then packing and moving (we all know what "fun" that is). Now, we're sprucing up the old house a bit to put it up for sale. Busy time - hard to fit blogging into the schedule. However, some knitting got done and here are the pics...
...niepisania - pisze. Najpierw zajeci bylismy szukaniem nowego domu, potem tegoz to domu kupnem, przeprowadzka, no a teraz przygotowujemy stary dom do sprzedazy. Nie sprzyja to wszystko blogowaniu. No, ale w miedzyczasie cos niecos sie wydziergalo, a wiec...
Welniane ocieplacze na kolana i przedramiona.

Woolen knee and elbow warmers (
free pattern here).

Aran wool coat for my daughter. Pattern: Aran Coat With Large Collar by Debbie Bliss. May be found in
The Best of Debbie Bliss: Children's Knits, and/or quite possibly (I'm not sure 100%, since I used the first book) in
New Baby Knits.
Welniany plaszczyk dla coreczki.

And last, but not least, acrylic star pillows (
free pattern here) to go with
this blanket here.
No, i akrylowe poduszki-gwiazdki, zeby pasowaly do tego oto kocyka.

And that's that for now. Not much else to blog about. All my knitting projects progress slowly due to lack of time. Have a wonderful day.
No, i to by bylo na tyle. Nic innego nie mam do napisania. Jak zwykle, z braku czasu, dzierganie idzie w tempie tzw. slimaczym. Zycze pieknego dnia.