OK, rabbitpie75 (in Ravelry & Knitter's Review) has inspired me to make another garment – first one being this one. One day, I saw her rendition of this Cabled Cardigan from Runway Knits. I really liked it, so naturally, I had to check out the book. Because I liked other patterns in there, and decided that I HAD to have the book. I particularly liked the A-Line Jacket and decided to give it a try. Shortly thereafter, I noticed that rabbitpie75 also made this jacket, hee, hee. Here is her version.
If that wasn’t enough for inspiration, I remembered that knitloon - another member of Ravelry and the Knitter’s Review forum community - also made this jacket a while ago. Hers is this beautiful, delicious, red version.
Here, I must say that both ladies were extremely generous when it comes to advice and tips on knitting this garment. Since this was my first adult-sized garment, I had some doubts prior to starting this project and both ladies were very, very helpful.
OK, rabbitpie75 zainspirowala mnie zeby znowu wydziergac ubranie (pierwsze to tu). Pewnego dnia, zobaczylam jej Cabled Cardigan z Runway Knits. Spodobal mi sie, a wiec naturalnie musialam dowiedziec sie czegos wiecej o tym wzorze. W konsekwencji kupilam sobie cala ksiazke. Jednym z wzorow w tejze ksiazce jest A-Line Jacket – troche rozkloszowany zakiet na styl lat 50/60. Okazalo sie, ze rabbitpie75 tez juz go zdarzyla wydziergac (tutaj jest jej wersja). Jakby tego bylo malo, przypomnialo mi sie, ze pewna robotkowiczka z Knitter’s Review Forum (takie forum dla ludzi robiacych na drutach), tez to juz przerabiala jakis czas temu na czerwono.
It started with the yarn…
To continue with the rustic feel of the coat, I chose slightly raw wooden buttons found at The Button Drawer. They have two sections devoted to very large buttons of different types. My choice is slightly shy of the 3” used in the original design.
Zaczelo sie od wloczki…
Ach, bo wlasnie... Chociaz Aquarella jest bardzo zblizona gruboscia do oryginalnej wloczki (Aquarella: 9 oczek /14 rzedow na 10cm vs. Karabella Puffy: 8 ocz./13 rz. na 10cm), to nawet 1-2 oczka potrafia zrobic duza roznice. Jezeli, np. narzuci sie 98 oczek z Karabelli Puffy, to otrzyma sie dol zakietu o szerokosci 124.5 cm. Ale narzuc te same 98 oczek z Aquarelli, a otrzymasz dol zakietu o ok. 14 cm wezszy. Spora roznica, jesli sie chce, zeby jako tako pasowalo. A wiec nie mialam wyjscia, tylko siasc z kalkulatorem i wszystko poprzeliczac tak, zeby zakiet nie wyszedl ani za maly, ani za duzy. O rany… Chociaz nie bylo to trudne, to jednak bardzo czasochlonne, bo nie chodzi tylko o zmiane ilosci oczek i rzedow, ale tez o rozmieszczenie i dodanie rzedow, w ktorych zmiejsza sie ilosc oczek, umieszcza dziurki do guzikow, itp, itd. W zasadzie to moglam zaczac robic sweterek, gdzie wystarczy tylko robic wedlug wzoru, bez zadnych zmian, ale nieeeee… gdzie tam. Ja musze sobie wszystko komplikowac. No coz… Prawde mowiac swietnie mi sie dziergalo ta Aquarelle.
Overall knitting experience…
work WS row,
work RS row,
“Purl 1 row on RS”(pg.156) – well, we just worked a RS row. Which RS row are they referring to? ANY RS row?
Work next WS row
Work next RS row
Next 7 rows just repeat last two rows.
The way I took it, is that the purl row just serves to create a neat crease line to fold the collar along its width.
I also wish that the decreases were more unified. When you look at the picture below, you’ll see that in the original, the decreases in the back are parallel to the garment’s edge angles. They’re leaning toward the middle of the jacket.
This type of decrease will create a visible line along the edge of the garment. But when you look at the fronts, the decreases are leaning away from the middle of the jacket, and away from the angle of the garment edges. These won’t be as visible in the final knitting, as the ones that follow the garment angle. So, maybe I’m too picky, but why not have it so that all the decreases follow the same style? That means either version A or B - as shown in the diagram. I chose version A, because I already had a lot of texture from the yarn and adding another visual element (i.e. line along the decrease line) felt like too much.
So, I think that’s that. I love the jacket and I love how it feels on. At the risk of sounding insane, I’ll say this: I can’t wait until the cool weather arrives (so I can start wearing the jacket, of course).
Have a great day!
No, a tak ogolnie…
przerabiamy strone lewa,
przerabiamy strone prawa,
jedna strone prawa przerabiamy oczkami lewymi (KTORA to niby prawa strone? Jest ich kilka),
przerabiamy str. lewa,
przerabiamy str. prawa,
nastepene 7 rzedow: powtarzamy ostatnie dwa rzedy.
Zaryzykuje nastepna herezje i powiem tak: nie moge sie doczekac jesieni i chlodnych dni (no, po to, zeby moc nosic ten zakiet). Ha, ha!